Upgrade notes

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🌇 Sunsetting Kubernetes Deployments

This page covers our PostHog Kubernetes deployment, which we are currently in the process of sunsetting. Existing customers will receive support until May 31, 2023 and we will continue to provide security updates for the next year.

For existing customers
We highly recommend migrating to PostHog Cloud (US or EU). Take a look at this guide for more information on the migration process.
Looking to continue self-hosting?
We still maintain our Open-source Docker Compose deployment. Instructions for deploying can be found here.


Self-hosted users must run async migrations 0005-0007 before updating to PostHog version 1.42.0.

If you haven't run async migrations 0005-0007 yet, or if they aren't available on your current version, we recommend upgrading to PostHog version 1.41.4 first, then running the async migrations, then upgrading to 1.42.0.

Note: for async migration 0007 disable the post checks in the advanced options when kicking off the async migration (otherwise you might see them fail and need to re-run the migration with them disabled).

If you are not upgrading forward and staying on PostHog version 1.42 (not recommended), then turn off persons-on-events in the instance settings page in the app, in version 1.43 it's already disabled by default.


This version upgrades PostHog version to 1.41, which comes with some breaking changes. The upgrade guide is here.


This version changes the supported Kubernetes version to >=1.23 <= 1.25. Kubernetes 1.22 support has been dropped as it has reached end of life on 2022-10-28.


This version upgrades the bundled grafana/loki Helm chart from 2.10.2 to 3.0.6. The new 3.x Helm Chart is based on the old grafana/loki-simple-scalable and as such the configuration options are not compatible. If you have loki.enabled=false (the default) then you do not need to do anything special with this upgrade. Otherwise, before performing the upgrade please ensure that you have read the upgrade documentation on the Loki Chart repo.


If you're upgrading the chart directly to 29.0.0 (recommended) ignore this (and run the 0005 migration on top of 1.41 if not ran already). This version upgrades PostHog version to 1.40, which requires async migration 0006 to be completed (if you're on version <1.38 then upgrade to 1.39.1 and run 0005 and 0006 async migrations before upgrading to 1.40).


This version upgrades the Prometheus service from version 2.31.1 to 2.36.2. As part of this upgrade, we've also changed some default values in the prometheus stanza:

  • prometheus.alertmanager
  • prometheus.kubeStateMetrics
  • prometheus.nodeExporter
  • prometheus.alertmanagerFiles

now defaults as the upstream Helm chart.

Additionally prometheus.serverFiles.alerting_rules.yml has now new defaults that from now on we will consider UNSTABLE. Alerting is an important part of any production system. With this Helm chart, we aim to provide a good collection of default rules that can be used to successfully alert an operator if a PostHog installation is not working as expected. As those rules will probably evolve over time and as we don’t want to cut a new major release every time it happens, please consider the default values of this input variable as UNSTABLE. Please consider to explicitly override this input in your values.yaml if you need to keep it stable.


This version upgrades the PgBouncer service from version 1.12.0 to 1.17.0. As part of this upgrade, we've migrated from the container image edoburu/pgbouncer:1.12.0 to bitnami/pgbouncer:1.17.0. If you are not overriding pgbouncer.env values, there's nothing you need to do. Otherwise, please remember to verify if those are working with the new container image.


This version changes the supported Kubernetes version to >=1.22 <= 1.24 by dropping the support for Kubernetes 1.21 as it has reached end of life on 2022-06-28.


Updated the app version to 1.37.0 which requires the async migration 0004 to be completed, head over to /instance/async_migrations and make sure you run that before updating.


This version changes the default ClickHouse service type from NodePort to ClusterIP. This is to remove the possibility of exposing the service in environments where the Kubernetes nodes are not deployed in private subnets or when they are deployed in public subnets but without any network restriction in place.

If you are not overriding the clickhouse.serviceType there's nothing you need to do. If you are overriding it using either LoadBalancer or NodePort please remember to keep your installation secure by:

  • deploying your Kubernetes nodes in private subnet(s) or restrict access to those via firewall rules
  • restrict network access to the load balancer
  • add authentication to the load balancer
  • configure TLS for ClickHouse
  • provide a unique ClickHouse login by overriding the clickhouse.user and clickhouse.password values
  • restrict access to the ClickHouse cluster, ClickHouse offers settings for restricting the ips/hosts that can access the cluster. See the user_name/networks setting for details. We expose this setting via the Helm Chart as clickhouse.allowedNetworkIps

For other suggestions and best practices take a look at our docs:

We'd like to thank Alexander Nicholson and the team at TableCheck for sharing their POC with us, which allowed us to quickly reproduce and address this issue.


This version upgrades ClickHouse from version 21.6.5 to This update brings several improvements to the overall service. For more info, you can look at the upstream changelog.

Note: the ClickHouse pod(s) will be reprovisioned as part of this upgrade. We expect no downtime for the ingestion pipeline.


This version changes the supported Kubernetes version to >=1.21 <= 1.24:

  • drops support for Kubernetes 1.20 as it has reached end of life on 2022-02-28
  • adds support for Kubernetes 1.24 released on 2022-05-24


This version upgrades the altinity/clickhouse-operator from version 0.16.1 to 0.18.4. This brings some updates to the custom resource definition (CRD). In order to keep everything in sync, please run the following steps before updating your Helm release:

  1. Download and extract the Helm chart release source code

    mkdir -p posthog-crd-upgrade
    wget -qO- https://github.com/PostHog/charts-clickhouse/archive/refs/tags/posthog-20.0.0.tar.gz | tar xvz - --strip 1 -C posthog-crd-upgrade
  2. Update the altinity/clickhouse-operator CRDs by running:

    kubectl apply \
    -f posthog-crd-upgrade/charts/posthog/crds/clickhouseinstallations.clickhouse.altinity.com.yaml \
    -f posthog-crd-upgrade/charts/posthog/crds/clickhouseinstallationtemplates.clickhouse.altinity.com.yaml \
    -f posthog-crd-upgrade/charts/posthog/crds/clickhouseoperatorconfigurations.clickhouse.altinity.com.yaml

    Note: you'll likely see a warning like:

    Warning: resource customresourcedefinitions/clickhouseinstallations.clickhouse.altinity.com is missing the kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration annotation which is required by kubectl apply. kubectl apply should only be used on resources created declaratively by either kubectl create --save-config or kubectl apply. The missing annotation will be patched automatically.
    customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io/clickhouseinstallations.clickhouse.altinity.com configured
    Warning: resource customresourcedefinitions/clickhouseinstallationtemplates.clickhouse.altinity.com is missing the kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration annotation which is required by kubectl apply. kubectl apply should only be used on resources created declaratively by either kubectl create --save-config or kubectl apply. The missing annotation will be patched automatically.
    customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io/clickhouseinstallationtemplates.clickhouse.altinity.com configured
    Warning: resource customresourcedefinitions/clickhouseoperatorconfigurations.clickhouse.altinity.com is missing the kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration annotation which is required by kubectl apply. kubectl apply should only be used on resources created declaratively by either kubectl create --save-config or kubectl apply. The missing annotation will be patched automatically.
    customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io/clickhouseoperatorconfigurations.clickhouse.altinity.com configured

    but this is safe to be ignored.

  3. You can now move on with the Helm update as usual:

    helm repo update posthog
    helm upgrade --install -f ...

    Note: the ClickHouse pod will not be restarted but the clickhouse-operator will, no downtime is expected as part of this release.


This version upgrades the Redis dependency chart from version 14.6.2 to 16.8.9 and upgrades Redis from version 6.2.4 to 6.2.7.

The upstream changelog includes changes that shouldn't be relevant to the majority of our users but if you are overriding any of the values listed in the changelog, please make the corresponding changes before upgrading. Otherwise there's nothing you need to do.


This version requires 3 async migrations to be completed.

If you're on PostHog app version 1.33 head over to /instance/async_migrations and run first the three required migrations.

If you're on a PostHog app version < 1.33:

  1. upgrade to chart version 16.x.x first (example: use --version 16.1.0 in the helm upgrade command)
  2. run the async migrations at /instance/async_migrations
  3. continue the upgrade process as usual


This version upgrades the Kafka dependency chart from version 12.6.0 to 14.9.3 and upgrades Kafka to version 2.8.1.

The upstream changelog includes changes that shouldn't be relevant to the majority of our users but if you are overriding kafka.image or kafka.provisioning, please make the corresponding changes before upgrading. Otherwise there's nothing you need to do.

Note: the Kafka pod will be reprovisioned as part of this upgrade and the ingestion pipeline will experience a brief downtime.


This version improves the configuration of Kafka.

The built-in Kafka service type default is now ClusterIP from the previous NodePort. If you were relying on this setting you can override the new default by setting kafka.service.type to NodePort.

As part of this work, we have also renamed a few chart inputs in order to reduce confusion and align our naming convention to the industry standards:

  • kafka.url, kafka.host, kafka.port have been consolidated into the externalKafka.brokers variable.

If you are overriding any of those values, please make the corresponding changes before upgrading. Otherwise there's nothing you need to do.


This version renamed the prometheus-statsd-exporter subchart alias from statsd to the default (prometheus-statsd-exporter).

As part of this work, we've also:

  • deprecated all the resources in the metrics namespace
  • added the possibility to use an external statsd service by using the externalStatsd variable

If you are using the statsd or the metrics variables, please make the corresponding changes before upgrading. Otherwise there's nothing you need to do.


This version fixes customizing PostgreSQL installation, previously many values.yaml values did not work as expected.

As part of this work, the following chart inputs have changed:

  • postgresql.postgresqlHost -> externalPostgresql.postgresqlHost
  • postgresql.postgresqlPort -> externalPostgresql.postgresqlPort
  • postgresql.postgresqlUsername -> externalPostgresql.postgresqlUsername
  • Existing postgresql.postgresqlUsername was removed as PostHog requires admin access to the postgresql cluster to install extensions.
  • postgresql.existingSecret will now work after 14.0.0
  • postgresql.existingSecretKey was removed. This did not previously work.

If you are overriding any of those values, please make the corresponding changes before upgrading. Otherwise there's nothing you need to do.


This version fixes connecting to an external ClickHouse cluster. You can now also specify a secret containing the external ClickHouse service password.

As part of this work, the following chart inputs have changed:

  • clickhouse.host -> externalClickhouse.host
  • clickhouse.enabled now toggles the internal ClickHouse cluster on/off. If this is off, you will need to specify an external clickhouse cluster.
  • clickhouse.database was previously used as the cluster name as well. Now clickhouse.cluster has been introduced.
  • clickhouse.user is now usable
  • clickhouse.replication was removed

If you are overriding any of those values, please make the corresponding changes before upgrading. Otherwise there's nothing you need to do.


This version fixes a couple of long standing bugs related to the Redis service setup. You can now provide a Redis password (or a pointer to a Kubernetes secret containing it) directly in your values.yaml file.

As part of this work, we have also renamed a few chart inputs in order to reduce confusion and align our naming convention to the industry standards:

  • redis.host -> externalRedis.host
  • redis.port -> externalRedis.port
  • redis.password -> externalRedis.password

If you are overriding any of those values, please make the corresponding changes before upgrading. Otherwise there's nothing you need to do.


This version removes some legacy Helm annotations not needed anymore. By removing those and upgrading your installation, all future upgrades to stateless components should now happen without downtime (see #179 for more info).

Before running the Helm upgrade command, please run the following script first (replace the RELEASE_NAME and RELEASE_NAMESPACE accordingly if you are using a custom release name/namespace, which can be found via helm list):

#!/usr/bin/env sh
for deployment in $(kubectl -n "$RELEASE_NAMESPACE" get deployments --no-headers -o custom-columns=NAME:.metadata.name | grep "posthog")
kubectl -n "$RELEASE_NAMESPACE" label deployment "$deployment" "app.kubernetes.io/managed-by=Helm"
kubectl -n "$RELEASE_NAMESPACE" annotate deployment "$deployment" "meta.helm.sh/release-name=$RELEASE_NAME"
kubectl -n "$RELEASE_NAMESPACE" annotate deployment "$deployment" "meta.helm.sh/release-namespace=$RELEASE_NAMESPACE"

Note: you can safely ignore errors like error: --overwrite is false but found the following declared annotation(s): 'meta.helm.sh/release-name' already has a value (posthog)

After that you continue the Helm upgrade process as usual.


This version introduces two major changes:

  1. as of today we've been including additional StorageClass definition into our Helm chart when installing it on AWS or GCP platforms. Starting from this release, we will not do that anymore and we will rely on the cluster default storage class. If you still want to install those additional storage classes, simply set installCustomStorageClass: true in your values.yaml. If you are planning to use the default storage class, make sure you are running with our requirement settings (allowVolumeExpansion set to true and reclaimPolicy set to Retain).

  2. we have renamed few chart inputs in order to reduce confusion and align our naming convention to the industry standards:

    • clickhouseOperator.enabled -> clickhouse.enabled
    • clickhouseOperator.namespace -> clickhouse.namespace
    • clickhouseOperator.storage -> clickhouse.persistence.size
    • clickhouseOperator.useNodeSelector -> clickhouse.useNodeSelector
    • clickhouseOperator.serviceType -> clickhouse.serviceType
    • clickhouse.persistentVolumeClaim -> clickhouse.persistence.existingClaim

    If you are overriding any of those, please make the corresponding changes before upgrading. Depending on your settings and setup, during this upgrade the ClickHouse pod might get recreated.


This version changes the supported Kubernetes version to >=1.20 <= 1.23:

  • drops support for Kubernetes 1.19 as it has reached end of life on 2021-10-28
  • adds support for Kubernetes 1.23 released on 2021-12-07


This version deprecates the beat deployment (#184) as its functionalities are now executed by the workers deployment.

As result, we have deprecated the following Helm values:

  • beat.replicacount
  • beat.resources
  • beat.nodeSelector
  • beat.tolerations
  • beat.affinity

If you didn’t make any customization to those, there’s nothing you need to do. Otherwise, please rename your customized values to be in the workers. scope.


This version upgrades the Helm dependency chart jetstack/cert-manager from version 1.2.0 to 1.6.1. This brings some updates to the custom resource definition (CRD).

If you are not overriding cert-manager.installCRDs by setting it to false there’s nothing you need to do. You can go on updating your Helm release as usual and enjoy your day!

If otherwise you are manually managing the cert-manager‘s CRDs, please remember to update the definitions in order to keep everything in sync.


This version upgrades the altinity/clickhouse-operator version to 0.16.1. This brings some updates to the custom resource definition (CRD). In order to keep everything in sync, please run the following steps before updating your Helm release:

  1. Download and extract the Helm chart release source code

    mkdir -p posthog-crd-upgrade
    wget -qO- https://github.com/PostHog/charts-clickhouse/archive/refs/tags/posthog-6.0.0.tar.gz | tar xvz - --strip 1 -C posthog-crd-upgrade
  2. Update the altinity/clickhouse-operator CRDs by running:

    kubectl apply \
    -f posthog-crd-upgrade/charts/posthog/crds/clickhouseinstallations.clickhouse.altinity.com.yaml \
    -f posthog-crd-upgrade/charts/posthog/crds/clickhouseinstallationtemplates.clickhouse.altinity.com.yaml \
    -f posthog-crd-upgrade/charts/posthog/crds/clickhouseoperatorconfigurations.clickhouse.altinity.com.yaml

    Note: you'll likely see a warning like:

    Warning: resource customresourcedefinitions/clickhouseinstallations.clickhouse.altinity.com is missing the kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration annotation which is required by kubectl apply. kubectl apply should only be used on resources created declaratively by either kubectl create --save-config or kubectl apply. The missing annotation will be patched automatically.
    customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io/clickhouseinstallations.clickhouse.altinity.com configured
    Warning: resource customresourcedefinitions/clickhouseinstallationtemplates.clickhouse.altinity.com is missing the kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration annotation which is required by kubectl apply. kubectl apply should only be used on resources created declaratively by either kubectl create --save-config or kubectl apply. The missing annotation will be patched automatically.
    customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io/clickhouseinstallationtemplates.clickhouse.altinity.com configured
    Warning: resource customresourcedefinitions/clickhouseoperatorconfigurations.clickhouse.altinity.com is missing the kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration annotation which is required by kubectl apply. kubectl apply should only be used on resources created declaratively by either kubectl create --save-config or kubectl apply. The missing annotation will be patched automatically.
    customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io/clickhouseoperatorconfigurations.clickhouse.altinity.com configured

    but this is safe to be ignored.

  3. You can now move on with the Helm update as usual:

    helm repo update posthog
    helm upgrade --install -f ...

    Note: the ClickHouse pod will not be restarted but the clickhouse-operator will, no downtime is expected as part of this release.


This version changes defaults for Kafka PVC size and log retention policy. If your upgrade fails with the following:

Error: UPGRADE FAILED: cannot patch "posthog-posthog-kafka" with kind StatefulSet: StatefulSet.apps "posthog-posthog-kafka" is invalid: spec: Forbidden: updates to statefulset spec for fields other than 'replicas', 'template', and 'updateStrategy' are forbidden

There are two options:

  1. Change your values to match to what the Kafka values were before (size: 5Gi and logRetentionBytes: _4_000_000_000)
  2. Resize the PVC (Persistent Volume Claim) used by Kafka following our runbook kafka-resize-disk


This version introduces a breaking change related to how cert-manager CRDs resources are deployed.

  1. we renamed the certManager.enabled variable to cert-manager.enabled

  2. we introduced a new variable called cert-manager.installCRDs. cert-manager requires a number of CRD resources to work.

    • to automatically install and manage them as part of your Helm release, simply leave the new cert-manager.installCRDs variable set to true
    • to manually install and manage them, simply set the new cert-manager.installCRDs variable to false


This version changes the way ZK is run in the chart. ZK has been spun out and is now a cluster being used for Kafka and ClickHouse. An unfortunate side effect of that is that Kafka StatefulSet must be deleted. The reason for this is because Kafka records the cluster ID in ZooKeeper and when you swap it out it complains that the cluster ID has changed and refuses to start. Note that when you delete the Kafka StatefulSet and pod you might lose some events that were in Kafka, but not yet in ClickHouse.

The error you will see from Kafka pod while upgrading:

[2021-07-23 14:24:27,143] ERROR Fatal error during KafkaServer startup. Prepare to shutdown (kafka.server.KafkaServer)
kafka.common.InconsistentClusterIdException: The Cluster ID TYP8xsIWRFWkzSYmO_YWEA doesn't match stored clusterId Some(CizxEcefTou4Ehu65rmpuA) in meta.properties. The broker is trying to join the wrong cluster. Configured zookeeper.connect may be wrong.

How to fix?

  • Delete Kafka and Zookeeper StatefulSet kubectl -n posthog delete sts posthog-posthog-kafka posthog-zookeeper
  • Delete kafka persistent volume claim kubectl -n posthog delete pvc data-posthog-posthog-kafka-0
  • Wait for Kafka and Zookeeper pods to spin down (deleting sts in step 1 will also trigger the pods deletion)
  • Upgrade helm chart helm upgrade -f values.yaml --timeout 30m --namespace posthog posthog posthog/posthog


This version updated Redis chart in an incompatible way. If your upgrade fails with the following:

Upgrade "posthog" failed: cannot patch "posthog-posthog-redis-master" with kind StatefulSet: StatefulSet.apps "posthog-posthog-redis-master" is invalid: spec: Forbidden: updates to statefulset spec for fields other than 'replicas', 'template', and 'updateStrategy' are forbidden

Run kubectl delete --namespace NAMESPACE sts posthog-posthog-redis-master and helm upgrade again.


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Instance settings

When self-hosting PostHog there are several instance settings that can be adjusted according to your needs. These settings are available as of PostHog 1.33.0 , if you're running an older version, settings can only be set using Environment variables . Instance settings can be managed by staff users by visiting the Instance settings page ( /instance/status/configuration ). Some setting configurations cannot be managed this way, and in particular, settings that determine how PostHog should…

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