This is an optional library you can install if you're working with Flutter. It uses an internal queue to make calls fast and non-blocking. It also batches requests and flushes asynchronously, making it perfect to use in any part of your mobile app.
Warning: This is a community maintained library. It is not officially supported by PostHog.
PostHog is available for install via Pub.
Set your PostHog API key and change the automatic event tracking (only for Android and iOS) on if you wish the library to take care of it for you.
Remember that the application lifecycle events won't have any special context set for you by the time it is initialized. If you are using a self-hosted instance of PostHog you will need to have the public hostname or IP for your instance as well.
<manifest xmlns:android="" package="com.posthog.posthog_flutter_example"><application><activity>[...]</activity><meta-data android:name="com.posthog.posthog.API_KEY" android:value="<ph_project_api_key>" /><meta-data android:name="com.posthog.posthog.POSTHOG_HOST" android:value="<ph_instance_address>" /><meta-data android:name="com.posthog.posthog.TRACK_APPLICATION_LIFECYCLE_EVENTS" android:value="false" /><meta-data android:name="com.posthog.posthog.DEBUG" android:value="false" /></application></manifest>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""><plist version="1.0"><dict>[...]<key>com.posthog.posthog.API_KEY</key><string><ph_project_api_key></string><key>com.posthog.posthog.POSTHOG_HOST</key><string><ph_instance_address></string><key>com.posthog.posthog.TRACK_APPLICATION_LIFECYCLE_EVENTS</key><false/><false/>[...]</dict></plist>
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="UTF-8"><title>example</title></head><body><script>!function () {var analytics = = || []; if (!analytics.initialize) if (analytics.invoked) window.console && console.error && console.error("PostHog snippet included twice."); else {analytics.invoked = !0; analytics.methods = ["captureSubmit", "captureClick", "captureLink", "captureForm", "pageview", "identify", "reset", "group", "capture", "ready", "alias", "debug", "page", "once", "off", "on"]; analytics.factory = function (t) { return function () { var e =; e.unshift(t); analytics.push(e); return analytics } }; for (var t = 0; t < analytics.methods.length; t++) { var e = analytics.methods[t]; analytics[e] = analytics.factory(e) } analytics.load = function (t, e) { var n = document.createElement("script"); n.type = "text/javascript"; n.async = !0; n.src = "" + t + "/analytics.min.js"; var a = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; a.parentNode.insertBefore(n, a); analytics._loadOptions = e }; analytics.SNIPPET_VERSION = "4.1.0";analytics.load("YOUR_API_KEY_GOES_HERE");;}}();</script><script src="main.dart.js" type="application/javascript"></script></body></html>
For more information please check:
To use this, add posthog_flutter
as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.
Supported methods
Method | Android | iOS | Web |
identify | X | X | X |
capture | X | X | X |
screen | X | X | X |
alias | X | X | X |
getAnonymousId | X | X | X |
reset | X | X | X |
disable | X | X | |
enable | X | X | |
debug | X* | X | X |
setContext | X | X | |
isFeatureEnabled | X | X | X |
reloadFeatureFlags | X | X | X |
groups | X | X | X |
Debugging must be set as a configuration parameter in
(see below). The Official PostHog Library does not offer the debug method for Android.
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';import 'package:posthog_flutter/posthog_flutter.dart';void main() => runApp(MyApp());class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {Widget build(BuildContext context) {Posthog.screen(screenName: 'Example Screen',);return MaterialApp(home: Scaffold(appBar: AppBar(title: Text('PostHog example app'),),body: Center(child: FlatButton(child: Text('TRACK ACTION WITH POSTHOG'),onPressed: () {Posthog.capture(eventName: 'ButtonClicked',properties: {'foo': 'bar','number': 1337,'clicked': true,'$set': {'userProp': 'value1','$groups': {'company': 'twitter',},},'$set_once': {'userProp': 'value2'}},);},),),),navigatorObservers: [PosthogObserver(),],);}}
Please file any issues, bugs, or feature requests in our GitHub repository.
If you wish to contribute a change to this repo, please send a Pull Request.