Brand assets

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If you're looking for the PostHog logo, you came to the right place. Please keep the logo intact. SVG is always preferred as it will infinitely scale with no quality loss.

PreviewNameVectorPNGPNG w/ padding*
Standard logoSVGPNG | PNG @2xPNG | PNG @2x
Dark logoSVGPNG | PNG @2xPNG | PNG @2x
Light logoSVGPNG | PNG @2xPNG | PNG @2x
LogomarkSVGPNG | PNG @2xPNG | PNG @2x

*PNGs with padding are useful when uploading the logo to a third-party service where there is limited control over padding/margin around the logo.

The @2x version of PNGs are designed for hi-dpi (or "Retina") screens. When using the logo in third party services that support uploading multiple versions (standard and hi-dpi), please be sure to include the @2x logo as it will appear crisper on newer devices, tablets and high resolution mobile devices.

Important: We updated our logo in 2021. Please be sure to use the correct version. 👇🏼

Logo usage examples

If you have any questions or need clarification about which version to use, ask Cory, or reach out in the PostHog Users Slack and we'll be happy to help.


We use Displaay's typeface called Matter SQ. (SQ = square dots)

Building for web

On, we use the variable font version. This allows us to specify our own font weights, which we do for paragraph text.

Context: Matter Regular's weight is 430 and the next step up is Matter Medium at 570, so we use our own weight of 475 for paragraph text.

Developing locally

Fonts are hosted outside of our GitHub repo (due to licensing reasons). To protect the font files, they are restricted to loading on and are not currently used for local development. Contributors will see the system default font load in place of Matter.

Workaround for local development

Restricted to PostHog employees, it's possible to reference the font locally to see an exact replication of what will be published on

Layout.scss contains some commented out code which can be used, in conjunction with the variable webfont files (restricted to PostHog organization members). Here's how to use them:

  1. Download the webfont files from the zip above
  2. Extract the files and place them in /public/fonts
  3. In Layout.scss, comment out the src for both fonts with production (Cloudfront) URLs and uncomment the relative URLs.
  4. Optionally use .gitignore to keep the files locally without inadvertently checking them in

Note: When submitting a PR, be sure to revert changes made to Layout.scss

Designing on desktop

We use 4 cuts of Displaay's Matter SQ typeface (SQ stands for square dots):

  1. Bold (titles and section headers)
  2. Semibold (paragraphs accompanying headers and paragraph links)
  3. Regular & Regular Italic (paragraph text)

Note that Regular and Regular Italic are lighter than the font-weight we use on the web, so paragraph text in Figma mockups will look noticeably thinner than how it appears on

When designing ads or other content with non-paragraph text, use Semibold instead of Regular.

We have a handful of licenses for desktop use of Matter. Contact Cory if you need the desktop fonts (OTFs).

NameWeightSizeLetter spacingLine height
Paragraphs accompanying large headersSemibold20px-1%125%
p (small)Regular15px150%


We have two color schemes (light and dark mode), but primarily use light mode.

We use the same set of colors, and only swap out a couple hues depending on the color scheme.

Colors denoted with an asterisk (*) are the same between palettes.

NameLight modeDark mode
Text color (at 90% opacity) #151515 #EEEFE9
Background color #EEEFE9 #151515
Accent #E5E7E0 #2C2C2C
Dashed divider line #D0D1C9 #4B4B4B
Red* #F54E00
Yellow #DC9300 #F1A82C
Blue* #1D4AFF
LinksUse Red

Use opacity over more colors

When possible, use opacity to modify colors. This allows us to use fewer colors in our palette, which is light years easier when working with two color schemes.

Paragraph textrgba($value, 90%)
Linksrgba($value, 95%) (and semibold)
Links:hoverrgba($value, 100%) (and semibold)



Use fully rounded buttons and centered text.

NameLight color schemeDark color scheme
PrimaryBackground: #151515
Text: #EEEFE9
Border: 2px #151515
Background: #EEEFE9
Text: #151515
Border: 2px #EEEFE9
SecondaryBackground: transparent
Text: #151515
Border: 2px #151515, 10%
Background: transparent
Text: #EEEFE9
Border: 2px #EEEFE9, 10%


Use filled in icons over outlined icons.


We use Pitch for polished presentations (like when giving a talk). Read more about this in our communication guidelines.


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Team structure

Small teams We've organized the team into small teams that are multi-disciplinary and as self-sufficient as possible. You can read about why we've done it this way . Our small teams are: Product Analytics Feature Success Monitoring Infrastructure Pipeline Marketing Website & Docs Growth People & Ops Customer Success Exec Reporting lines We maintain our full org chart in Roots, which you can access here . Team leads do not necessarily = managers - read more about how we think about management…

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